Sunday, May 17, 2020

Thematic Anyalysis of the Book of Acts Part 1 - 1334 Words

Thematic Analysis Template Student: Copy and paste the down arrow ( ) into boxes to show that a unit of material is continuing.Copy and paste the left arrow ( ) into boxes to show where a unit of material ends. | Paragraphs(Submit in parts 1-3) | Immediate Context(Submit in Parts 2-3) | Major Points(Submit in Part 3) | Major Sections(Submit in Part 3) | Theme(Submit in Part 3) | 1:1–5 Introduction | | | | 1:1–28:31 | 1:6–11 The Ascension | | | | | 1:12–14 The Upper Room | | | | | 1:15–26 Peter Speech | | | | | 2:1–4The day of Pentecost | | | | | 2:5–13 The Crowd were bewildered | | | | | 2:14–21 Peter’s Sermon | | | | | 2:22–28 Men of Isreal listen to words | | | | | 2:29–36†¦show more content†¦| | | | | 13:44-52 Paul turns to the Gentile | | | | | 14:1-7 Acceptance and opposition | | | | | 14:8-18 Lame from the Mother’s womb | | | | | 14:19-23 They stone Paul | | | | | 14:24-28 The report all things God done | | | | | 15:1-5 The Council at Jerusalem | | | | | 15:6-11 The Apostles and elders meet | | | | | 15:12-21 James judgment | | | | | 15:22-29 leading men among the breather | | | | | 15:30-35 Congregation together | | | | | 15:36-41 second missionary Journey | | | | | 16:1-5 The Macedonian Vision | | | | | 16:6-10 Call to Preach the Gospel | | | | | 16:11-15 First Convert in Europe | | | | | 16:16-18 divination spirit | | | | | 16:19-24 Paul and Silas imprisoned | | | | | 16:25-34 Paul and Silas praying | | | | | 16:35-40 The Jailer is converted | | | | | 17:1-9 Paul at Thessaloncia | | | | | 17:10-15 Paul at Berea | | | | | 17:16-21 Paul at Athens | | | | | 17:22-31 Judge the righteous | | | | | 17:32-34 heard of the resurrection | | | | | 18:1-4 Paul of corinth | | | | | 18:5-11 Paul devoting to the word | | | | | 18:12-17 The Jews rose up against | | | | | 18:18-21 Paul keeping his vow | | | | | 18:22-23 Paul greeted the Church | | | | | 18:24-28 Third missionary Journey | | | | | 19:1-7 Paul of Ephuesus | | | | | 19:8-10 Paul enter the synagouge | | | | |

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